PASQuanS2 Reflects on a Year of Quantum Simulation Advancements in 2024
Throughout 2024, the PASQuanS2 consortium has made significant strides in programmable quantum simulation, reinforcing Europe's leadership in quantum...
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Building on the achievements of the European Quantum Flagship project PASQuanS (2018-2022), PASQuanS2 sets out to further advance and scale up quantum simulation platforms based on atoms and ions, and stimulate a vibrant ecosystem for quantum simulation across Europe.
01/04/2023start date
27 partnersfrom 7 countries
16.6 Mil €Budget
Quantum technologies have evolved rapidly over the past years producing numerous substantial scientific breakthroughs. One of the most promising fields is the simulation of many-body quantum systems, such as quantum materials, molecules for drug research and the fundamental constituents of matter in extreme conditions. These problems can be addressed by dedicated quantum computers, known as quantum simulators.
As different platforms become more mature in terms of scalability, stability and programmability, quantum simulation is moving from being a means for physicists to answer particular scientific questions towards a powerful tool to help address real-world problems and provide practical applications for industry. For instance, quantum simulators can potentially be used to develop new materials, analyse chemical processes, and solve optimisation problems in the future.