Project Governance
The implementation of project activities will be monitored by the following management architecture:
Executive and Scientific committees
The Executive and Scientific committees work in tandem to ensure that informed decisions are taken with respect to the running of the project, selection of new partners, and the formulation and execution of the SGAs. They will also oversee the adaptation of the research agenda and roadmap, the selection procedures and processes for new partners, procedures to assess the SGA progress as well as related review processes, and developing the SGA workplans.
Immanuel Bloch (MPQ), Leticia Tarruell (ICFO), Simone Montangero (UNIPD), Christian Gross (UT), Antoine Browaeys (IOTA), Cyril Allouche (BULL)
Work Package Leaders
Work Package Leaders will be in charge of the reporting of each Work Package, to supervise the Research & Development activities and to make sure that the work plan is implemented.
WP 1 MPQ - Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics
WP 2 UHEI - Ruprecht Karls-Universität Heidelberg
WP 3 FZJ - Quantum Control Institute at Forschungszentrum Jülich
WP 5 ParityQC - Parity Quantum Computing GmbH
WP 6 EURICE - European Research & Project Office GmbH
Scientific Advisory Board
The role of the Scientific Advisory Board will be to receive an appraisal of project developments and to advise the project on issues relating to priority research directions, and especially the addition of new partners before SGA1 and SGA2. Its role is purely advisory and is to be seen on a more strategic level.
End User Board
We will put in place an End User board to provide guidance and ensure the relevance of the project to industrial end users. They will provide specific advice on the mechanisms and details of the calls for joint projects between end-users and other consortium partners