Quantum Control Institute at Forschungszentrum Jülich
Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) is a member of the Helmholtz Association with about 7,120 employees. The research centre covers the fields of information, energy, and bioeconomy, and benefit from the unique scientific infrastructure. The Peter Grünberg Institute for Quantum Control (PGI-8) specializes in novel optimization strategies for emerging quantum technologies. PGI-8 has pioneered the application of quantum optimal control methods to quantum computation and many-body quantum systems.
Role within PASQuanS 2
FZJ is leading the activities to develop the bespoke software stack for PASQuanS2 quantum simulators. We develop a quantum-control software suite which serves as a robust and universal but customizable quantum firmware and enables large-scale quantum simulation devices. We provide optimal engineering of many-body quantum states and dynamics for the consortium's hardware platforms. To this end, we employ techniques from machine learning and numerical simulations based on tensor-network methods. We also contribute to the design of near-term quantum algorithms for practical applications.