Ruprecht Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Founded in 1386, Heidelberg University is Germany’s oldest university. It has a long tradition as a research university of international standing in a broad range of fields, including physics and astronomy. Directly of relevance to Pasquans is the cluster of excellence “Structures”, which among many other topics aims to further our understanding of physical computation, including quantum simulation.
Role within PASQuanS 2
Heidelberg University contributes to Pasquans with a newly developed modular apparatus for programmable quantum simulation. It builds on what we call the Heidelberg Quantum Architecture:
- Modular design, where individual components can be shared between different setups among partners.
- Very fast repetition rates are needed as many interesting observables include high-order correlation functions that require large data sets to evaluate.
- Cloud access will become interesting, first as a way to reproduce and verify published results of simulations, but later also to allow a broader audience to perform their own simulations. This approach will be pursued on a mature quantum simulation platform, where development of a stable interface that does not change fast in time is possible.